Monday, February 11, 2008


Eighteenth Annual Pacific Southwest Women’s Studies Association Conference
Students, Activists and Teachers Working Together

Feminist Reclamations/Queer Reclamations: The Adaptive Faces of Revolution

April 19, 2008
San Diego State University, San Diego

Call for Proposals
Revolutions have come to signify a myriad of different resistances to power formations throughout history. They have morphed and adapted to fit the diverse needs of people of different races, classes, genders and sexualities in distinctive geo-political locations. Feminism and Queer Theory have themselves contributed to new faces of revolution and new methods of reclamation. This conference is dedicated to exploring how the "faces" of revolution themselves have adapted to these changes and are continuing to adapt in this era of globalization. We solicit proposals from students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty members, community activists, and independent scholars for workshops, panels, roundtable discussions, individual presentations, artistic and multimedia presentations, performances, and practical applications.

In this re-conceptualization of revolution, we will take into account new technologies, scientific discoveries and discourses; (post)-colonialism and imperialism; art, literature, popular culture and new medias; and language, philosophy, and education with a focus on the lives and bodies of women and queers, who have historically been marginalized within discussions of reclamation and revolution. While we encourage presentations on the conference theme, proposals dealing with all areas of Women’s Studies research are welcomed.

Proposals should be submitted via e-mail, preferably as Word attachments, to:

Proposals must include: Title; abstract (100 word maximum); contact person’s name, address, e-mail, and phone number; presenter name(s) with academic and/or community affiliation; format (e.g., workshop, panel, roundtable discussion, artistic presentation, or performance), and audio/visual equipment requirements. (Equipment requests must be included with original proposal.)

Proposal Deadline: Friday, February 29, 2008.

For more information, visit or contact Monica Bradley at or (813) 361-2777.


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